Friday, April 13, 2012

Motivational Issues (again).

I did finally get most of the work I needed to do done yesterday, at least the basic cleaning.  If I had been on the ball, energetic and motivated, I could have gotten so much done.  I feel guilty about it, but I'm used to me now.  I know that there are things I'm feeling kind of down about and I know that does not make it a good time to clean.  I also know that I was very busy in the days leading up to Easter and I'm the kind of person who needs time to decompress after holidays.  I guess that's one advantage of getting so darn old, hmmm?  Self knowledge.  :-P   I also know that part of my problem with having a full, free day with nothing scheduled is deciding what to do and getting started. 

Anyway, today's a new day.  I'm just going to do the best I can with it.  I have to work, so for the first 7 hours or so I don't have to make any decisions about what to do, just keep typing, just keep typing. 

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