Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Counting Down the Days till Summer.

We have 28 more days of school to do this year. We are way ahead of our usual schedule, even with taking a spring break. The reason is, I think, that because the kids are so independent with their studies, they do them even when I'm gone someplace and so we don't miss as many days. Now that it's started getting warm, I hope it goes ahead and warms right on up because our pool is up and I want to get in it, but I want the water temperature to be at least 80. Right now it's in the mid 70s with a solar cover. Too cold. I am planning on focusing on losing some more weight and getting in better shape as part of my post-Easter resolution so I want to be able to get in the pool and exercise. I think I might have to make my post-Easter resolution a 2 or 3 days after Easter resolution since I anticipate receiving some chocolate bunnies and stuff and will need to get them eaten before I start on any diets. :-)

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