Thursday, April 19, 2012

The anticipated/dreaded free day.

If you all have been reading my blog for long, you know that I don't have to work at my medical transcription job on Thursdays and it is the only day of the week that I don't have to get up and do anything in particular.  That makes me happy, yet, it also means that most housework and home improvement tasks get put on Thursday.  Sometimes my list is quite long.  Right now, it's pretty much overwhelming and includes spring cleaning, gardening, home improvement projects and reorganizing.  I'm trying not to get overwhelmed by it and just go at it as hard as I can today.  So far, I'm doing pretty good.  I've done some organizing and decluttering and a bit of gardening.  Right now I'm cooling off and trying to think of what to do next.   I wish that the pool was warm enough to help with the cooling off process, but it seems like it's going to be June before we can get in it.  It's a beautiful day though and I enjoy being able to get outside.

Yesterday, my daughter and I had a conversation that seems less like a homeschooling kid and mom and more like a schooled kid and mom.  She asked me to get her some books at the library on Abraham Lincoln, because she has to do a biography for her writing class.  It's funny to me because I didn't know about the biography paper and I didn't have to assign this biography paper since she is working through her own writing book and occasionally, if I ask nicely, will let me read the assignments.  This homeschooling a self-directed teenager is kind of weird.  The boys need more support, urging, nagging and checking, so even though I have graduated one kid, I'm not used to this.  Although in fairness to my older son, he did teach himself (and still does) things he is interested in, guitar, theology, Python programming, gimp, photoshop, etc.  So I guess I am used to it, just not for something as traditional as writing class.   :-P

1 comment:

  1. I've got to wear my glasses when I read blogs. I saw "gimp" as "pimp" and knew that was wrong. I don't know what gimp is though. I also don't know what Python programming is. I'm guessing it doesn't have to do with snakes though. ;)
