Friday, March 23, 2012


I always have New Years resolutions and this year it was going to be exercise.  Trouble is, I haven't started yet.  I've postponed my New Year's resolution until after Easter. I think that's reasonable.


I do.

Anyway, onto other things. 

Work is driving me kind of crazy.  First they want one thing, then another.  A month or so ago they were whining that we were not putting the dates on the reports.  Then I challenged them and they found out that their computer system was somehow removing the dates after we'd put them in.  My co-workers would thank me, I'm sure, if they had ever heard of me!  When you virtually commute, you don't know your co-workers, it's weird.  Anyway, during that time, they said that if there was any question about the date, if it was not dictated, that we should not assume the date of service and the date of dictation are the same, that we should leave it blank and send it to the editors to fill in.  So now we do that and now the latest thing is that we are sending too many reports to the editors and we must justify why we are sending things to them.  It goes on and on, but I'll spare you.  I sent them a report of all my blanks and the reasons for them last night (which I was not paid to do) and I thought about putting this P.S,

P.S.:  I haven't had a raise in 10 years.

But I didn't.   Actually, 10 years is how long I've been with them, other than my 2 month break a couple of years ago, which they may count in calculating how long I've been with them.  Anyway, you know that by harping on transcriptionists to justify blanks, they are encouraging us to be sloppier and guess at things that we cannot hear, for fear of losing our jobs in this tough economy. 

But enough about that.

I'm going to focus on the good.
1. We got a really cute outfit for my daughter last night.
2.  We have cupcakes.
3.  I still have a job.  :-/
4.  My daughter has to sing with me on my Easter special, because she got drafted too.  Ha!  That's what she gets for volunteering me.  :-P

1 comment:

  1. Oh, good, it's not just me. I am starting my exercise routine on Monday. Really. And that was my New Year's goal too. :)
