Saturday, March 24, 2012

School issues and thank goodness.

Thank goodness we don't have quite as busy a weekend planned.  Maybe.  Okay, there's no sweet 16 party this weekend, which took up a good deal of my last weekend and I think that the grocery shopping can be postponed a while.  Today, we've got a women's luncheon which we are going to help set up for here in a little while and it will likely take most of the day.  Then after that I will need to work, since I didn't take off today, but did tell them that I would be gone part of the day.  Tomorrow, we only have 3 things we have to do, not 5 like last week.

Me, at 1:00 a.m. last night when yesterday's grammar was getting done.
The school issue that we are dealing with is procrastination.  They have their schedule and we've apparently given them too much freedom to get it done.  I'm going to have to remedy that as soon as I get the time to sit down with them and talk about it.  Mama is not happy. 


  1. 1 a.m. ?!?!?!? Yeah... that hour and school work don't mix.

  2. No they do not! I had sent them to bed an hour previously. It's not happening next week.
