Saturday, March 31, 2012

Last night

was Mom's night out with the homeschool group. Only 4 of us could make it but we had a really nice time. My only problem was with the restaurant. We went to a small family restaurant and I scanned the menu as I always do for things that would most likely be naturally gluten free. I'm not a fan of salads, so I avoided looking at them. I finally settled on an order of cheese and bacon fries with jalenpos and sour cream. (Health food, in other words). But then, when I came, the jalepenos had been breaded and fried, which I didn't expect. I couldn't help making a face of dismay when the waiter put it in front of me and he said "what's wrong?" and I said that I couldn't eat anything that was breaded so I couldn't eat this. Normally I wouldn't even attempt it but I felt bad because it's a small family-owned restaurant and they might need the money, you know? So I started trying the pull the jalepenos off in preparation to eat the fries when one of my friends bit into her fry and said "the fries are breaded too" and they were. So we had to call the waiter back over and I had to order something else so I ordered a salad (didn't want one, but I was hungry) and I emphasized to him nicely that it couldn't have any bread or croutons with it. He took the fries and said the dishwasher would eat them. When he brought my salad, it had saltine crackers (gluten!) all along one side. I just ate the side without the crackers and came home and ate my dinner. It was frustrating. I guess we'll have to stick to chain restaurants from now on. :-0


  1. Oh so sorry to hear your evening out was "eventful" in the wrong way with the food, but I know the company of the other ladies made up for it some.

    I look forward to one day participating in small group socials for home schoolers.

  2. Or try to find a different family owned restaurant. The one we just toured, owned by our homeschooling friends, caters to people with special dietary needs. They make everything from scratch when you order it and the chef will go out to the table and discuss dietary needs with the guest. They do gluten free, low sodium, all sorts of things.

    I'd shop around and call ahead. Or come visit us in Illinois and I'll take you to our friends' restaurant.
