Wednesday, March 14, 2012

From my Email Box this morning.

I get some interesting email each morning.  Here are some of today's highlights.

I got this email from Family Education which included this printable.
Spring Staycation Printable

I also got my daily Hunger Site reminder to click.
The Hunger Site

And my Animal Rescue Site reminder to click.
The Animal Rescue Site

I got a notice that I sold one of these shirts on my cafepress store,
Cafepress Gigi shirt

My daily notification from Cozi to take my pills.  :-)

My daily book section from Daily Lit.
 Daily Lit

I got multiple work status updates for my job with pleas to please type more and faster, but I'll spare you those.:-), also multiple travel advertisements and bunches of  notices of sales. 

 I also get some google alerts about homeschooling and gluten free living which provided some interesting links.
Penelope Trunk Homeschooling Frustration
Heart of the Matter, What I like best about homeschooling.
Gluten causes more than just stomach problems.

It's no wonder it takes me so long to get done with my workday.  It takes me a while to get my email!  :-)

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