Thursday, March 08, 2012

Busy and Fun.

Today we went to the science museum where we have a membership.  I bought the membership in order to get into museums in other states on our vacation for free, so we got our money's worth out of it the first month.  Today we saw an IMAX film on Lewis and Clark (discounted because we're members) and then toured the museum.  They had replaced some of the exhibits with new ones so there were new things to see.  We had a picnic right there in the museum, since it's been pouring rain all day and then we went to the salvage grocery store for kicks on the way home.   The Lewis and Clark IMAX movie was probably the most educational part of the day.  I know I learned a lot.  :-)  For example, my youngest son said that he didn't know that Lewis's first name was Meriweather and my daughter didn't know that they carried their boats up over the mountains.  There was one scene where you see a snowy area in the woods and all of the sudden people come up out of it, they've been sleeping under the snow!  I can't imagine that!  I don't think I would've survived the trip.  I'm too 21st century soft.

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