Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just too pretty.

It is just too pretty outside for kids to have to do school.  Nobody's said it, but my daughter just sat down, wrote all her math problems on a piece of paper (she usually does them on the computer) and went outside to do them.  My youngest is already outside, but unfortunately, I don't think he's doing school.  I think he's doing boy stuff like walking around with a stick. He'll have to do school later, when it's dark and supposed to be screen time, but he feels like the tradeoff is worth it, I guess, to get out in that beautiful sunshine.  I wish there was a way I could drag my desktop computer out there for just a little while.  I'm doing the old get-it-done-in-a-hurry method so I can go out later.  To each his own, I guess.

While I sit out there, I'm going to work on a list of all the things I want our family to accomplish in March.  :-)  They'll be so thrilled!   Spring cleaning is what spring break is for, right?

1 comment:

  1. Not an issue here--its cold, windy and sprinkling out....burr...good day for staying inside and baking.
