Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I did it again.

I said a silly thing to my kids and now they won't let me live it down.  Last week when I took my daughter to her guitar lesson, I realized when we left there that I hadn't mailed the Netflix.  So I was going to say, "Everyone look for a mailbox" but instead I said "Everyone listen for a mailbox."

Now we'll be driving down the road and one of the kids will say,  "Shh, I think I heard a mailbox!"  or "Did you hear that?"  and I'll say "What?" and they'll say "I heard a mailbox."



  1. Okay...this is kinda long...
    When I was in college I worked as a stage manager at a small community theatre. During the production of Pirates of Penzance, one of the characters had a line that was, "Hush, hush, not a word. I see a light inside." Instead he said, "... I smell a light inside." It brought the house down and he turned 3 shades of red and the rest of the cast could barely hold it together. For the rest of the season, every teased him saying they could smell lights wherever they went. LOL!

  2. Thankfully, I was in the car and not on stage!
