Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The not so good and the good.

1. I had a doctor's appointment that I kind of thought was tomorrow, but then I called and it was today, so I had to hurry up and go today without any preparation (my own fault, but still), like getting up earlier to get a good start on work before I went.  Consequently, I'm still working at 6:30 p.m.
2.  The appointment took a lot longer than I expected because apparently I have some stuff going on and needed some tests.  Very, very, very unpleasant tests. 
3.  I'm still working at 6:30 p.m. and no where near finished.

Some good things:
1.  I got to ride on a glass elevator.  I enjoy them.
2.  The kids did their school work while I was gone.  My daughter "almost got 100%" on her algebra test.
3.  I hit a really good after Christmas sale at Kroger on the way home and got some neat little things for 70% off.  I'll use some of them as 5 dollar gifts next Christmas.
4.  The stuff I ordered from Barnes and Noble came today so it feels like Christmas is still happening.

I really feel list-y this week apparently.

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