Monday, January 02, 2012

January 2012.

Wow.  It's already the second.  My amazement at how quickly time passes, never goes away.  We are back to school today, much to the dismay of certain kids in the house. I've been looking at Amanda Bennett's site because she's having a sale.    I'd kind of like to kick off the year with a unit study or something fun, but we'll probably just do the usual because it's easier.  We stayed up until midnight and celebrated the New Year with crazy revelry, playing board games.  Then yesterday,  we had a family Christmas party.  It was nice, really low key although I must admit, some of my relatives kind of drive me crazy.  They were on their best behavior for Christmas though.

My New Year's resolution to start walking has not started all that well.  The kids walked yesterday, but I did not.  I felt tired all day from going to bed late and getting up early, burning the candle at both ends and I didn't want to walk.  Today is another day and I'm going to do it today, along with all the in-town errands I planned to do yesterday afternoon and didn't.  :-P

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