Monday, December 12, 2011

Whew. Finally.

I worked very hard on my Christmas shopping and I think I got all of the online shopping done.  The last thing will be to pick up a few things locally.   I feel better now that it is mostly done.  I took the 2 younger kids today and let them shop for their siblings.  The oldest can go on his own sometime later.   We also got all the gifts for the homeschool kids and the cousins are done and crossed off the list.  I feel better with each one that is done.

In other news besides shopping, school and work are going right along as usual.  I'm getting more used to being right in the middle of things and better at getting my work done despite that.  We've been getting Christmas shows out of the library and watching them.  The other night we watched "A Muppet Christmas Carol." and tonight we're watching "Veggie Tales Little Drummer Boy".  I'm gradually getting a better attitude. 



  1. So glad that things are looking up for you! I think sometimes, we get knocked off balance and it takes a little while to get it back again (like on a balance beam) - we don't actually fall, but we have to stop and steady ourselves before we can move on. :)

    I know what you mean about the relief - after a FULL day of shopping last Sunday (from 1 to 8) and ONLY buying one roll of fancy duct tape, I got online and got to shopping.... now, I just have to endure shipping time. lol

  2. A Muppet Christmas Carol is on my must watch list this season too!
