Thursday, December 22, 2011

Weird time for a field trip.

It's almost here!!!
But we are taking one today.  I'm off work and we have tickets to a Christmas light display that we'd like to see before Christmas, so today is the day and since we are going to be in the area, we'll visit the science center where we have a membership.  First, though, we've got to get this house cleaned up!  Oh my goodness.  We're a bit crowded here anyway and then when you put the Christmas tree up and get the gift wrapping materials out, it gets way crowded.  I like a clean house on Christmas day.  It helps me enjoy the festivities.


  1. Sounds like fun!

  2. Sounds like the perfect time for a field trip to me! Have fun!

    I love having the Christmas stuff out, but there is nothing like putting it all away and having space again! :)

    Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
