Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Still lazy.

To clarify about our lazy week, I have been working but the first 2 days of the week, there wasn't a lot of work.  I figure the doctors were taking days off too if they could and not scheduling any procedures if they couldn't help it.  Today was a bit more normal and I got a few more lines, but still not up to the usual amount.  I did have to leave the house yesterday because we ran out of 2 of the necessities of life - cat food and toilet paper.   We went to Game Stop because my youngest son wanted to get a new Skylander's figure to go with the Skylander's game he got for Christmas, but they were sold out.  We were looking at the markings on the door that show heights (I guess so they can tell the police how tall the robber was?) and my youngest remarked that he's short and that even his friend who is 2 years younger is taller.  I told him that there are advantages to being short at his age, because sometimes tall kids are expected to act older than they are.  He has another friend a few months older who is 6 feet tall and people think he's 17 or 18 when he just turned 14.  My son could see how he wouldn't like that right now, but he'd still like to be taller when he's older.  He's only about 5 feet tall now, but his growth spurt hasn't hit yet.  He'll get there.


  1. My DD (14) hates that most of the girls her age are taller. She gets so excited when she is even a tinny bit taller than somebody near her age.

    I don't know what she really expects more height to bring. She doesn't have much chance in getting any taller since her Dad and I are not very tall.

    I can see where a guy would really want to be taller. It doesn't hurt a girl as much if she is shorter (my opinion--I know my DD would protest vehemently).

    My Attempt at Blogging

  2. My DD (14) hates being shorter than most other girls her age. She gets so excited whenever she is even the teeniest bit taller than someone near her age. I don't think she has much chance gaining too much more height since her Dad and I are not very tall.

    I can see where a guy would really hate being shorter than other guys his age. I think it means more to a guy (my daughter would vehemently disagree).

    My Attempt at Blogging
