Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas week.

The county school kids are already out for winter break and I am debating what to do with my 2 for the week prior to Christmas.  Thursday we have plans so we won't be doing much school that day.  I have no intention of letting them have the whole week off.  I think the youngest would just go crazy from Christmas excitement and drive us all crazy in the process. He's already asked me what time of the morning I want to get up on Christmas day.  I said "10 o'clock" because I was messing with him and he said "No."  so I said "9 o'clock" and he said "How about 8?"   So he'll be waking me up at 8:00 a.m. this year.  Hey, it's better than 4, which he has tried in the past!   I'd best keep the boy busy this week.  He's been watching this website very carefully and this is his theme song, Come On Christmas by Matthew West.  We may do some more Christmas-y activities this week and have some fun with it. 

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