Saturday, November 12, 2011


That's what my daughter said about our random acts of kindness event.  We spent 2 hours and about 5 dollars each and did 16 or 17 acts of kindness in our community.  We put money on the vending machines at the hospital, gave out crayons and coloring pages to kids in the emergency department waiting room, gave cupcakes to the firefighters and the emergency department staff, paid for someone's lunch, bought someone a bottled water, put money on gumball machines at the grocery store  (with a little note) and bought flowers and took them to a lady who just got out of the hospital.  We also gave out and received some impromptu hugs.  We will be doing this again.


  1. What a terrific project!!!

  2. Oh wow.....what a fun thing to do! Kind of reminds me of what Ashley & her roomie did the other day at Walmart. They can't stand to see items all here & there out of place. And she said it was REALLY bad in there the other they started putting stuff back where it belonged. They even wrote a little sticky note & left it saying they had tried to help out just a little bit. I thought that was really neat of them to do! BTW, I emailed you the crochet directions for that scarf. Hope it makes sense to you!!

  3. How fun! We like to put together snack packs (bags with cracker, fruit, water, candy, etc...) and hand them out to people. The kids always draw/write little notes too. Loads of fun.
