Saturday, October 29, 2011

Whirlwind weekend.

Yesterday, I had to work, then stop in the middle and take my daughter to her guitar lesson, then come back and try to finish work.  Then, I had mom's night out in a neighboring town, which is also where the nearest Michael's craft store is as well as the salvage grocery store.  So I finished work, went to the salvage store, met the moms at Tumbleweed, had dinner, went to Michael's, then to Target because I didn't find everything I needed for today at Michaels and then came home.  So basically, other than 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there, I was gone for 12 hours yesterday.  One of the times I was home briefly, I decided to apply makeup for the night out festivities.  I went into the bathroom and while I was applying makeup, all 3 kids came into the bathroom to talk to me because they'd missed me throughout the day.  I looked at myself in the mirror and thought "you are one blessed mom." 

Today, I have a similarly lengthy day planned,work with my new longer schedule which is proving pretty difficult to accomplish each day and then multiple preparations to go to Trunk or Treat tonight.   Then tomorrow is pretty much the same.  Whew.

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