Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Sometimes I hate technology.

I have opened up something on my work system that's not supposed to be open and I have this little toolbar at the top of my screen that I don't know what to do with.  About 3 or 4 months ago, I accidently opened this miniscreen to the left of the page I type on and I have not been able to get rid of it either.  If I don't get some kind of technical support for these issues, I might eventually open up enough mysterious toolbars and thingies so that I can't even see the screen I'm supposed to be typing on!. 


  1. When I was out of town last time, I managed to turn off my wireless card. I couldn't figure out what I had done or how to turn it back on. Mr. I showed me when I got home.

  2. Take your mouse to the tool bar and right click on it. What ever the name of that tool bar is will show up with a check mark by it. You want to uncheck it and it will ask you if you are sure you want to disable. Click yes.

    (before you do this next tip, know the name of the program/toolbar you want gone)

    If that does not work then go to the bottom left of your screen to the START button.

    Find control panel and click it open. Then you will need to locate the Add or Remove programs icon. Click on it so it will open.

    Scroll down all of your programs and find the one you want deleted. Once you find the one you want deleted, click on it and it should be high lighted and towards the right it will say delete or remove program. Click on that and it will take a few seconds or minute to update then close it out.

    You may have to reboot your computer with either steps I noted above. Hope this helps.

  3. I was able to get rid of the one at the top with this method, but the one on the left side is still there!
