Friday, September 02, 2011

Dietary Issues.

This is unrelated to homeschooling, but since my blog header says "random thoughts", I'm covered.  :-)   As some of  you may be aware, almost 2 years ago I read an article about how going gluten free could help with my symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and modified my diet to be gluten free.  I feel so much better it is almost unbelievable to me.  I didn't know I'd also get rid of most of my sinus/allergy problems (maybe all?) and my daily headaches, but I did.   I've been trying to tell anyone and everyone with an autoimmune disease or chronic fatigue to try it.  I didn't direct any of my comments about it intentionally to my children, but my oldest son, after keeping up with me all day and realizing that he was more tired than I was, went gluten free himself almost a month ago.  He also decided at that time, since he is also lactose intolerant, to go completely dairy free as well.  (before that, he had been eating small amounts).  Since he did this, I've really been struggling to come up with things to buy that he can eat and things to cook.  It' really made me re-think every single thing I buy and cook.  But, the good news is, he also feels better and more energetic and though I've been stretched with my cooking creativity, I'm kind of getting the hang of it now.   Really, there's not much of a point to me posting about this on my homeschool blog, other than to point out that I am also learning some new thing at our house this semester and since it was on my mind because I have to go to the grocery today, I thought I'd share. 


  1. it is really good info. I know I need to revamp our diet, but I spend so much energy on daily life that I have neglected that area (which by the way would probably make daily life easier).

  2. I hopped over from :)De's blog and I am happy to know another gluten freeby. I went gluten free to cure candida (also had to go sugar free). I too have fibromyalgia. My symptoms are under control (so I cheat on my diet), but I am at a happy balance right now. I am looking forward to reading your blog - I hope to have some time next week...

  3. This is so totally part of homeschool. It's called heath/nutrition! You are learning & as you pointed out so are your kiddos! I think it's awesome & enjoy learning more about it myself. Keep the posts coming!
