Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tiring but fun.

We went back to the fair yesterday, but we didn't last as long before we just got tuckered out.  I think the fact that yesterday was so much hotter had a lot to do with it.  We spent about 40 minutes walking around the midway with no shade and it just sapped our strength.  We looked at a few things, had dinner with my brother and met some of his co-workers and soon after that, we were ready to come back home.  So to recap our week, Monday we went to the fair for 9 hours and walked over 4 miles. Tuesday, we did work and school. Wednesday we went to the fair and walked more than 3 miles in the hot, hot sun and today, I don't know.  I am officially off work but I may go in to make up the lines (I am paid by the line of type, not the hour) that  I've missed this week or I may focus on the stuff I need to do at home and just type an extra hundred lines each day for the rest of the pay period.  As I sit here, already tired before I start today, that option seems better and better. 

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