Friday, August 19, 2011


We've finished our second week of school.   The "grounding" or whatever it is, is still working.  My youngest set his alarm and got up early today, finished his school work in record time and was able to go to work with me.  Since I work at my mom's house, he likes to go to grandmas with me, watch her TV and eat all her junk food at least once a week.  In the summer, it's not an issue, but once we start school, he usually doesn't get to go because he's not done.  I think it's cool that he planned ahead and got to come today.

Next week is state fair week and we are going to go at least once, maybe twice.  I'm excited, but I am a little worried about walking that much with the tendinitis in my foot.  I've got tickets to the fair, advance purchase ride tickets and I have printed out an itinerary.  Today at the grocery, I'm going to pick up some snacks to keep in the car so we won't have to spend a fortune on fair food.  

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