Sunday, August 07, 2011

A day of rest.

I am taking the day off from most things today.  I slept in.  I'm piddling around on the internet, looking at my email and blogging.  :-p   I have been so many places and done so many things for the past 2 days and although I'm not really all that physically tired (thanks to going gluten free and working out for 2 hours every day for the past month,) I am emotionally tired or something like that.  I am going to go out later to my mom's to share some birthday cake and then to take my niece home, but that's pretty much it for the day.  I'm even going to make my daughter and niece make the birthday cake.  My daughter wants a chocolate cherry cheesecake trifle so that is what she is going to have.  To make this, bake a chocolate cake (in our case, gluten free so mom can have some), and layer it in a trifle bowl (or any bowl) with Philidelphia's premade cheesecake filling and a can of chocolate covered cherries.  It's yummy. 

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