Saturday, July 23, 2011

Zipping around town.

Okay, is using zipping as my title, kind of reaching?  It probably is, but I've had to be kind of creative with this alphabet thingy, so there you are.  We do go a lot.  One time my cousin called me and left a message on my phone answering machine that said "You work at home, you homeschool .. why are you never home?!"  (Since then, I have stopped working at home and I work doing my medical transcription job at my mom's house because she has faster internet service.)  The kids and I go to skate nights twice a month, swim nights once a week in the summer.  In the fall, winter and spring, we add in 4H once a month, youth group meetings, and field trips.   I really can't remember what I did before I had children and I can't imagine what I will do when they all grow up, which is really speeding towards us now that our youngest is a teenager.   The best advice I can give a new homeschool mom is to combine trips as much as possible and have as much fun with your kids as you possibly can!

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