Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Worry is a big one for all parents.  We all worry that we are giving our kids what they need.  When you add to the bundle the fact that as a homeschooling family you are also responsible for their education, it can get kind of scary.  Just remember, you can always get help.  You can buy a curriculum that is on DVD or computer.  You can homeschool through a school that provides the curriculum for you.  You can ask another homeschooling mom to teach your child a skill you don't have or take classes like we do through 4H or through scouting.   You can hire a tutor or join a co-op.  With homeschooling, as I've mentioned before, the possibilities are endless.  The trick is finding time to actually stay home sometimes.  :-P

Seriously, though, we do worry that our kids will not be able to cope with "real life" (although what is this, a dress rehearsal?) or that they won't be able to get along with others or stick with things and get them done or speak a foreign language, or know to not end a sentence with a preposition or where to put in the commas or ever meet anyone that they can fall in love with or that they will meet someone ... but these concerns are part of parenting, part of life and they'll be fine.  Really.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I find your post re-assuring. We're just starting out. :)
