Sunday, July 17, 2011


Well this is awkward.  I don't have anything to say that starts with the letter U for my ABCs of homeschooling series of posts.   In my note to myself, several weeks ago when I first had this idea for blog posts, I wrote "unschooling or unsocialized".  Really though, I don't unschool and I don't know enough about it to write a post about it.  It seems like it would be fun and probably its a lot like what we do in the summer, but that's all I have to say.  As for the topic "unsocialized", I've already discussed that I don't think kids need to go somewhere to be taught social manners and mores by their age-mates.  I think families do a better job of teaching kids how to behave than other kids do.  Or is that just me?

Anyway, I'll finish this kind of non-post with a brief glimpse into our summer. We are exercising 2 hours a day every day, except yesterday (but I feel that everyone deserves a break sometimes!) and we are going to summer reading, going to the city pool, doing skate nights, picking blackberries, playing video games, finishing the book I'm writing for what must be the 50th time,  watching The Amazing Race from Netflix which we've never seen before, getting exhibits ready for the county fair which starts this week and we are going to see Harry Potter 7.5 today.  We have sent in our Letter of Intent to Homeschool for this next year and so soon, we need to start giving what we are going to do this year some thought!

1 comment:

  1. Unit Study? That would be my "U" :) Trying to plan mine for the next year and get motivated to start. We are loving our summer! Thanks for your homeschool ABCs!

    Anna at
