Sunday, July 10, 2011


In most states you do not need to be a "qualified" teacher to teach your own children.  In some states you will need to have a qualified teacher look over your child's work or administer a test.  My husband and I both have degrees.  I got mine right out of high school, way back in the dark ages and he got his after my youngest son was born.  I think that him having a math refresher course a few years back has helped him teach the math, but I'm not sure, he may have been able to do it just fine without the refresher.  My math skills are a bit rusty.  Nonetheless, I do feel that we are qualified to teach our kids without oversight from anyone else.   You notice I said "oversight" not help. We may very well need help from someone else.   Fortunately, we have millions of resources for curriculum, for hiring other teachers, for joining co-ops, for taking online classes, for having our kids tested if need be, for basically any kind of help we need, there is someone offering it.  One of our children does have a learning disability and believe me, I have explored every option I can for how to address it and have found many people willing to help me and myriad resources available to me.  

1 comment:

  1. I have a Master's degree, which in our state (not sure if it is everywhere) qualifies me to teach at the community college level. Once a teacher asked me how I was qualified to teach elementary school homeschool. I replied that if I were smart enough to teach college level, how on earth could I not handle first grade.

    Hmm, maybe that's why she quit having her daughter play with mine. Ooops.
