Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Busy and thinking.

The kids are doing VBS this week.  I'm working and chauffeuring, trying to keep the house clean, trying to get in 2 hours of exercise every day, selling things on Ebay, trying to keep up with my mom's doctor stuff and starting to think about what we will be doing for school this fall.  We've also got 2 sleepovers, a birthday party, summer reading, family swim night and a field trip this week.  I spoke to the kids I will be homeschooling this year last night about it in the pool and surprisingly they are receptive to the idea of notebooking.  I'm kind of excited about it.  It sounds fun to me.  We'll see.  I may make a plan to try it for the first 8 week period and then re-evaluate ... you know, my favorite thing, tweaking the schedule!  :-P 

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