Friday, June 17, 2011


I had a very lazy day today.  For the first day since June started, I didn't do any spring cleaning.  Ironically, I felt better today than I have the whole month and did less.  I knew my crew, the kids, were tired though and my daughter really wanted me to finish the last book in The Hunger Games series so she could read it after me, so I did the minimum today, worked, cooked, went to the library, took a meal to a friend who had surgery and read the book.  It was a very lazy day and I feel kind of guilty about it, but the book was good. 

1 comment:

  1. We've had some lazy days here also. I was lazy yesterday and spent the day finishing the book, The Help. Very good! Loved the Hunger Games as well. Hope you are enjoying your summer!
    Anna at
