Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kind of a yucky day so far.

I woke up to violent thunderstorms and dogs who were scared of them.  I went into the kitchen only to find that our roof, despite being repaired a while back, had leaked again.  :-(    Sometimes I really do not enjoy home ownership and kind of wish to rent and not own or better yet, live in some kind of (inexpensive) assisted-living facility for the middle aged.  :-P.   It's so dark and dreary today that I had a very difficult time getting started and getting to work.  Now that I am here, there's not much work to do.  I have been running out of work quite frequently lately and so my boss has offered to have me do some voice recognition editing.  That should be tons of fun. 

There is good news since I started this post.  This mysterious abdominal pain that I have been having for 6 weeks, is a urinary tract infection, despite the fact that I tested negative for a urinary tract infection at the beginning of this whole ordeal, that is what it indeed is.  That means that  I can be treated with antibiotics and won't have to have a CAT scan.  That's really good.   I am looking forward to being healed!  Also, while I was on the phone with the doctor's office, some of the doctors in my hospital dictated so now I have work.

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