Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Deepening family bonds.

When I wrote out my list of alphabetical titles, I wrote deepening family bonds for D and now that I am going to write about it, it seems a silly title, but I can't think of another way to say it that starts with D, so there ya go.  That aside, I think that homeschooling is good for the family unit.  My kids are best friends and they seem to have a pretty good idea of who their parents actually are.  They are all teens now and we don't have any teen angst that I have been able to see.  I think that they will be close throughout their lives. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love hearing you say that you don't deal with the 'Teen Angst' either. I have always hated hearing folks talk about teens in a negative way....because I have never had any problems with mine. We all get along & love each other. I'm not saying they're perfect, of course.....& they do have their times of squabbling, but I know deep down they all really love each other & will always be there for one another! I don't think you can build those kinds of bonds when everyones' heading off in different directions, doing different things.
