Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Our excursion yesterday.

The trip to the spine center went well.  Apparently, my daughter's scoliosis is very minmal, maybe 5-6% and they don't intervene at all unless its more than 25% so they are just going to watch how it develops over the next couple of years while she is still growing.  We go back in September.   Here's a picture of some flooding we saw on our way there.
 When we finally got into the parking garage (I drove past the entrance not once, but twice!) it seemed a little, well, short.  We felt like we needed to duck our heads inside the Suburban and really we felt like the Suburban was going to scrape the top, especially when we went over a speed bump.  This is what it looked like from inside the car. 
 and this is what it looked like when we parked and got out.

about 4 inches of clearance there.

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