Thursday, May 26, 2011

Next to the last day of school.

I can't believe we're actually getting done in May.  This is the first time ever.  The kids are so independent with their school work now that they just do it and my (occasionally crazy) schedule doesn't really matter.  They just do school without me.  Now my thoughts are turning towards getting the pool up, gardening, spring (summer) cleaning, vacations and things like that.  I've also given a bit of thought to what we'll be doing for school next year.  We'll still use Life of Fred and Teaching Textbooks for math as they are the best we've found so far, I think. I'm not the math teacher here, so I'm not sure of that.  I am going to be getting some of Dianne Craft's materials for my youngest, to try and teach the boy how to spell.  It seems odd to me that he can read so well but spell so badly.   I may just stick with what I have with him, though, since I already own Sequential Spelling.  I might even do a combination of the two.  With the girl, I haven't decided anything.  She's a good student.  I may let her do some of the choosing.  There are just so many good things out there to choose from! 

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