Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Field Trip/Orienteering.

We went on a field trip yesterday, our last official field trip of the year, I guess, although our group doesn't mind doing a few field trips during the summer months. We went to a local park/ forest and did a class on orienteering.  As a mom, my job was just basically to walk along behind, but every now and then, I'd say "Hey, I think maybe you guys are off track" and get them re-grouped.  I have the gift of yelling pretty loudly and could get their attention a bit easier than the soft-spoken park ranger.  It was pretty fun, but not as good as the "Bring a Book to Life" program we did there last fall.  We were very lucky, this time, to go on one of the very few days this spring that it didn't rain.  On field trip days we don't do any additional school work. 

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