Friday, April 22, 2011

My big birthday adventure.

Yesterday, was my birthday.  My daughter and I planned a big girl-type adventure for the day. 

We packed up some supplies.

and some nutritious snacks.

a change of shoes in case our feet got tired.  We were headed for ...

Unfortunately, we saw a lot of this.

 and our speedometer spent a lot of time looking like this

But finally we saw the city!

 and then we got to our final destination.

 We spent 4 1/2 hours here enjoying every second of it and getting some wonderful bargains. 

When I went to load the furniture we bought, there were 2 geese in front of Ikea.  Every time I go to Ohio I see geese doing crazy things.  Anyone know what's up with that?  

I had a very fun birthday.  Kind of takes the sting out of that new number. (my new age, eeek!)


  1. Happy Birthday! I hope all of your Birthday Wishes come true : )

  2. Happy Birthday to you! Looks like you guys had a great day. What all did you get? I've never been to an Ikea.....only heard good things about it.

  3. I bought the 99 cent bed pillows, the 49.00 wardrobe, the 14.99 kitchen chairs, a couple of wall shelves, some tea light holders for 49 cents, a knife set for 2.99, the 4.99 living room curtains and it seems like something else. My daughter bought a bunch of closet organizers and stuff like that.
