Friday, April 15, 2011

Graduation looming.

Freakmom asked the other day about high school requirements and graduation and I'll share with you what I know.  Kentucky does not have very specific laws about graduation or what we have to teach.  This is what the actual law says.  "Home schools must provide instruction in English in all areas children study, as outlined by Kentucky state law. The required subjects are reading, writing, spelling, grammar, history, math and civics"  I don't have to turn in his grades at the end.   I don't have to have him tested.  I can print him out a diploma and a transcript here at home and I intend to do that.  He's not interested in going to an Ivy League college but wants to get a community college or on-line degree in graphic arts so that makes my task seem less daunting.  He's taken the ACT once and is going to take it again in June to see if he can get a slightly higher score which might help with some funding or scholarships.  I want him to take at least a couple of CLEP tests so that we won't have to pay for those classes.

Here is a web site for transcripts and diplomas.

Here is the web site to register for the ACT test and the SAT.
Here is the CLEP web site.

Here is a good alternative to keeping your own, at home records.  This school will do it for you and some people want that, to kind of "legitimize" what they are teaching at home, although in Kentucky there's not really a need for that.  I can definitely see how it would make a mom feel better.  :-)

I told the kids yesterday that we are scheduled to be done on May 23 but they will need to finish American History, Spanish and their adventure novel or they won't be done. They were none too pleased, but they'll live.  :-P


  1. Oooh, thank you! It sounds like Illinois is very similar to KY. I'll definitely check out the transcript and diploma link. I think that is the route we'll be doing too.

  2. yep, I had to find a link & write up my own transcripts for Ashely this year. Before with Chris...he went to community college first....just needed his GED for that & then when he transferred to LU of course he already had tanscripts from this year was all new to me! I'm not ready to have a college graduate AND a HS graduate in a few weeks! YIKES!!

  3. Thanks for sharing this, while I did have to register with as a private school, I am not required to prepared anything for the state or test.

    I'll be homeschooling a high schooler in the fall and to tell you the truth, it is a little more than scary to me, thanks again.
