Saturday, April 30, 2011


We went to Glassworks yesterday on a field trip with our smaller homeschool group.  It's this place where they do glass art, glass sculptures and glass blowing.  It's always interesting to me anyway to see artists at work.  I'm kind of jealous of their work days, creating things all day, it seems like something I'd like to do although I don't know what I would create and if anyone would buy my art.  They did tell us that you can go to college and major in glass-blowing although I would think it would be kind of hard to justify spending all that money if you weren't really sure that you'd be able to make a living at it.  I would think that the number of people who make a really good living from that type of work is small.  I am interested in this kind of thing because I think that at least 2 of my children may grow up to be some kind of artists for their careers.   They already are artists in their spare time.   My oldest is going to major in graphic art I think.  He's always creating something on the computer, doing computer art, although he can also draw with a pen and paper.   My daughter is also constantly creating something, through sewing, drawing, painting, crocheting, doodle stitching, cross stitching, macrame or some other method.  She would really like to try the glass sculpting thing and make some glass beads for jewelry, but I look at the burns up and down the arms of the glass artists from the hot torches they use to melt the glass and I wonder if this is a good idea? 

1 comment:

  1. I think it's so cool that he wants to do Graphic Design. Chris seems to really enjoy it. Praying that he can find a good job in his field after graduation & internship.
