Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Early to Rise.

We had to get up early today because we had an early dentist appointment.  That's kind of a double whammy for us because we are used to sleeping until we wake up and we don't like going to the dentist.  I hope the dentist visit goes well and no one has any cavities.  That filling that I had replaced last time has fallen out again, so that will have to be addressed and I don't look forward to that.  :-(

Yesterday we had a nice day.  We had our 4H home economics class that was taught by one of our 15 year old students.  He taught everyone how to make 3 ingredient biscuits, which were, by all reports, very good.  While the biscuits were baking, the kids made homemade butter.  Yummy.

Easy Biscuits
2 cups self-rising flour
1 cup milk
4 Tablespoons mayonnaise

Preheat oven to 375.   Mix all ingredients and drop by spoonfuls onto a greased pan.  Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.

For the butter, buy heavy whipping cream and put in in a jar with a lid and have the kids take turns shaking it until butter forms.  We had done this at home before but my kids didn't remember it.  :-(  Anyway, it was fun.  Next month we're supposed to make freezer jam.  I think maybe we'll need to make some more biscuits to go with it.  This has been a good year for our 4H class.  All of the moms have been stepping up and teaching a session (or the kids in this case) and we've had a great time with different input and not just me teaching all the time.  Much better for everyone, especially me!

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