Monday, March 28, 2011

I got up this morning

in a good mood, but as I've been sitting here drinking my coffee, I've started to get a little bit overwhelmed with the things I need to get done this week.  I shouldn't.  Really it's not that bad.  I guess I just need to make a list and start crossing things off.  It's really just a bunch of little things that won't take long.  It's just really a lot of  them. Maybe if I had another cup of coffee I'd feel more like tackling them?   

Anyway,  this weekend the kids and I got a project done I've been wanting to do for a long time.  We put up the faux board and batten treatment in the dining room. It needs 1 more coat of paint, but otherwise it is done and it looks really good.  I'll share a picture ... you know, if I ever find my camera cord.  :-)

My youngest son told me to wake him up with Veggie Tales this morning and I put in the DVD and heard one of my favorite Veggie Tales quotes.

"I don't think that's possible and this is coming from a guy who just swam 92 miles without arms or legs!"  Pa Grape

The local kids are on spring break this week but we're not. School is going really well right now and I do not want to break the momentum with a week off.  The kids can just deal with it.  They'll be happy when they get out earlier than the PS kids.  It's so weird to think about my oldest graduating this year.  I can't wrap my mind around it!  I guess I should just stop trying and do the next thing on my list.  

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