Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The good, the bad and the messy.

I finally figured out what the problem was with work and it was due to me not following instructions, so I gave myself a terrible day Monday by simply thinking that I already knew how to change the thing that needed to be changed on the computer, doing it my way and not reading all of the email that explained that I needed to do something else as well.  I'm sure that's clear as mud, but the point is, it was my fault.  I went back and read all the emails and figured it out.

Hopefully now work can go back to its normal boring-ness so that I can get it done and get back home and we can get school going better again.  We've been so hit and miss with school lately with everyone being sick and the youngest is actually sick again, having picked up a cold, probably at the pediatrician's office when he had his well child check.  (The irony!)  Luckily, at this point, he's ahead of the other 2 on school days, since his prior illness (strep) was curable with an antibiotic and he got over it more quickly than they did.  

I really need to pull myself together and get the house straightened up and decluttered.  It's frustrating though with the house all still torn apart from the remodeling project that has gone off track and had us with our laundry room contents in the living room for a month.  I've lost my camera cord again and now I've lost my flash drive, both of which are absolutely necessary to getting my gluten-free book finished.   I think I may have to offer a monetary reward to the kids finding my cord and drive.  It's so difficult trying to work on a project like that on 2 different computers, with the really slow internet at home, and the printer at home, but the fast-enough-to-do-anything internet at my mom's house.  It's very frustrating, but I persevere.   I have a lady at church who wants to buy the first copy of the book so she can put her daughter on a gluten free diet, so I'm trying to hurry.

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