Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Feels like spring.

The daffodils and peach trees are blooming, the weather is warm and sunny and, unfortunately, the mosquitoes are out and biting.  I took the younger kids down to the creek yesterday and they saw tadpoles and got all wet and while they were exploring, the mosquitoes were making a feast of my ankles.   So I'm itchy today.  Still, I enjoy these kind of outings and the promise of getting to go to the creek was enough to get my youngest in gear on his schoolwork so that he wasn't trying to finish it up before bed last night.

I tried another easy stew/soup for the crockpot yesterday. It's an enchilada chili.  My oldest son said he likes it even better than regular chili, but I just thought it was okay.  You put in  2 cans of beans, 2 cans of  tomatoes, a teaspoon of dried onion, a chopped up stalk of celery, a can of red enchilada sauce and some meat.  It's supposed to be chicken, but I put in some hamburger meat that I had previously cooked, drained and frozen.

I haven't done any more work on my book or on the house.  I've re-discovered my love of reading and I have been reading a ton of stuff.  Right now I'm reading Bidding for Love by Katie Fforde which is a fun book, although I definitely feel that I need a British English to American English translator sometimes. 

I did change the kid's schedules somewhat although not as much as I was going to because my daughter was sitting beside me saying "Oh no, don't change that!" every couple minutes.  I changed the chores a little to make them more specific and hopefully that will help.  The chores are always a battle.  I didn't really make any academic changes.  I'm still mulling that one over.  Let's see, is there anything I need to squeeze in before my oldest graduates in May?  That is an important question!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting weather - 80 degrees and 40 by tomorrow. Keeps us Kentuckians flexible!
