Saturday, February 19, 2011


I went up to visit my teens today at their youth conference, just for a minute.  My oldest gave me a slight wave, I think.  I'm really not sure if he saw me across the crowded room.  He seemed to be having a really good time with his friends.  My daughter gave me about 40 hugs in 5 minutes, but assured me that she is doing fine.  I kind of think she's ready to come home though.  I'm sure it's fun but tiring.  My youngest is having a fine old time at home with the computers, the DS and the TV all to himself.  He's actually spent a lot of time outside today, walking around, poking things with sticks and listening to a book on CD.  I saw him out the window today and thought how much I would have enjoyed that as a kid, walking outside while at the same time enjoying a favorite book, which is to say that I have not yet limited his book-listening time in any way, other than making him stop for school and outings.  I have a feeling that this is just a phase and will pass, but if it doesn't pass in a couple of weeks, I'll have to do something.. Speaking of walking around,  Tuesday is when I go in about the torn tendon in my foot and I might get put in a cast, so only 2 more days of my foot being free.  Hopefully, though, whatever treatment I receive will make it all better and I won't have to have surgery.  This injury happened in 2010, at the Kentucky State Fair and so I'm blaming it on my 2010 horrible year and hoping (praying) that this year is better and it will be fine now.  .


  1. Saying a prayer.

    2010 was a doozy of a year for us as well.

  2. Hope you're feeling better! And boy do I know how quiet the house can be when you take a few kids out of the mix. When Ashley & Jon went to KY, I still had TWO at home, but boy how quiet it was!
