Thursday, February 10, 2011

Too much of a good thing?

My oldest son got an MP3 player with his Christmas money (or his birthday money, can't remember which) anyway, he gave his CD player to his younger brother.  Now younger brother wants to listen to books on CD from the library all day long.  I mean, seriously, all day long.  Traditionally in our home, listening to things has been exempt from the screen time limits.  The kids sometimes like to listen to music while they do schoolwork and I have no objections to that.  But this seems a bit excessive.  Should we make a rule about listening?  Yesterday, he didn't finish his schoolwork on time but he has done this sometimes in the past, predating his listening to books obsession.  If he wasn't listening to books, he'd be reading books, just as obsessively and still not getting his work done every now and then.  So, what do my blog readers think? I would appreciate your words of wisdom.


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I wish I had words of wisdom, but am having my own problems with ds. Maybe the whole world is just going through some sort of funk? If he wants to read, maybe he has to do book reports (writing, grammar, spelling), not sure how math could fit in? I was just reading on add/adhd we should find something they excell in and go with it. Not quite sure how to do it yet.
    Good luck.

  2. We have to limit reading with my daughter. She would read for hours a day and well into the night if we let her. If they are sitting and reading, or listening to, fiction I don't see it as much different than watching t.v. All things in moderation.
