Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good day.

We had a good day today.  We cleaned the house somewhat (hard to do with it being a construction zone, but we tried).  Then we worked on school.  The kids made macaroni and cheese for their cooking class (hey, pasta making is a valuable skill!) and finished sanding and started painting the chair that has been our woodworking project this year.  Yes, it's taking a long time, but they only have 1 woodworking class a week and it's been so cold and snowy all winter that the "class" has been 10 quick, cold minutes of sanding each week.  Then we had skate night tonight.  I usually don't enjoy skate night all that much because it's cold in there and the benches are not comfortable, but I had a really good time tonight talking to all the other moms.  It was nice to be out.  It would be even nicer if the skating rink would build us a little quiet room with a window, heat and decaf.

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