Sunday, February 27, 2011

Beginning of a new week.

I'm not really looking forward to the new week.  My oldest son has got to have his wisdom teeth out on Tuesday and I just hate when the kids have to endure pain.  Later this week, the 2 younger kids will have to go for well child checks and vaccinations - always fun for my needle-phobic kids.   The good news is that my oldest son seems to be getting over the flu in time to get his wisdom teeth out.  He might even have 1 day where he actually feels pretty decent, before he has to feel terrible again.  Hey, it's good to look on the bright side, right?

On the subject of school, we've been reading/listening to the Chronicles of Narnia for a month.  We finally are on the last book, but no one wants to finish it.  One night, the night we'd watched the movies, my youngest son asked if we could read/listen to Ranger's Apprentice that night and we did.  We've been listening to Ranger's Apprentice every night since then.  We discussed it and none of us wanted to listen to Narnia and all of us had been dreading listening at night.  I'm not sure what that says about the books, or us, but we just aren't fans.  Even after reading the books and watching the movies, we all have a lot of questions about the stories and feel that they are disjointed or something.  It's hard to explain, but I feel like large parts of the stories are missing/not explained well.  Anyway, we're listening to Ranger's Apprentice right now.. 

Also in school news, the kids have all finished the assigned reading that I had given them and I need to assign something else.  I haven't decided what that will be yet.  Technically I have until Thursday to decide.  Just reading one day per week on the assigned reading, we'll need to keep it for several months, so it can't be a library book.  My older son has to read a book before he goes to camp this summer and we might make that the book that everyone reads. I'll do a little pre-read and see if it is suitable or I may let that be it for him and give the younger kids something else, like for example do a little notebooking or something.  Don't you love the way I have everything planned so far in advance?   Hey, if I can homeschool, anyone can! 

1 comment:

  1. none of us here were big fans of the Narnia series either. Chris read them all, but he prefers Tolkien & the LOTR books instead. I read a few & Ashely read a few. We've only watched the first one cared to see the others. Guess we're in good company, huh?! LOL
