Sunday, January 02, 2011


Every time I think about the New Year, I think about an old song that used to play on the country stations, called "Lord, I hope this day is good."  It was by Don Williams who was one of my Dad's favorite singers.  It was kind of a prayer from a person who was feeling tired and overwhelmed.  I feel that way about the new year.  2010 has been kind of rough and I hope/pray that this next one is better.  I'd like to spend a lot less time in emergency rooms, intensive care units, surgical waiting rooms, pain clinics, orthopedic offices, physical therapy centers and, most of all, funeral homes.

On the up side of 2010 that I'd like to continue onto 2011, is I hope that school keeps going well and I hope to keep losing weight.

I'm not going to make any resolutions but I did order an exercise/stretching video with my Barnes and Noble gift card that I hope I will start doing and keep doing.

In our make a small sacrifice and give to others initiative, the kids and I raised enough money to buy 5 ducks for a needy family through World Vision.

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