Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Spelling revisited.

If you've been reading my blog from the very beginning, you'll know that we changed from public schooling to homeschooling right after our kids had finished kindergarten, second grade and fifth grade.  My oldest son at that point was a good speller and I didn't feel that there was a need to do spelling with him.  My daughter needed quite a bit of help with spelling.  At one point, I thought that she might be dyslexic so when I was looking for a spelling curriculum, I looked for something that might help with that.  I found Sequential Spelling and it has been wonderful for the girl.  She is a really good speller now too.  Today I finally just told her that she can quit doing it and we'll start something else in January.  Unbelievably, she didn't want to stop, but I really think her time would be better used on something else language arts related.  She spells all the words right, every single time.  There's just no point in going over and over it.  She finally agreed with me and we'll start something else.  (I'll decide what later - let me get through Christmas first!)  

Now youngest son is a different matter.  He is probably dyslexic.  He has always had trouble with reversing letters and he took a long time learning to read well.  Now he finishes a book every couple of days we've been addressing the writing with occupational therapy and copywork and that's getting better and now we need to find something that works for his spelling.  He's been doing Sequential Spelling for several years now too, but I think that the time has come to admit that it just isn't working for him.   I've also tried All About Spelling, which is a good program, but he felt that he was being tortured when we did it.  So anyway, I'm going to have to look for something else.  Anyone have suggestions? 

I got a really great deal through Swagbucks today on a game called Bookworm Adventures that is supposed to help with spelling.  I hope so because games are better for my youngest's learning style.

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