Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow day!

It snowed several inches.  The younger kids are very excited.  They went out sledding around 8:30 last night.  I am not as excited because I have to go to work.  I'm no longer a work-at-home mom who can laugh at the weather and keep bringing in the bucks.  I have to go to my mom's house and it's only 3 miles, but it's up and down a lot of hills.  Today my husband can take me in the 4 wheel drive truck, but I don't know how the rest of the winter is going to work out.  Several people on our road are paying huge amounts of money to get cable internet back here, but the closest one is still about a mile from our house and we're half a mile from the nearest neighbor, so I don't know if it will ever be affordable/accessible to us.   If we ever get it here, I'll be able to work at home again.  Anyway, I'm off to work and the kids are going to try and get Dad to give them a snow day.

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