Monday, December 06, 2010

Okay, I was too tired.

To have my Christmas-List panic attack the other day, but I don't think that I will have any trouble today.  Eeek!  I do have decent lists from the boys now, but still not the girl.  Honestly, she's worked so hard this year, earned money and bought things she wanted and doesn't want anything else right now.  She may just have to get a Hobby Lobby gift card or two.  Really none of the kids want that much this Christmas, the lists are shorter than usual. Maybe this would be a good year to give more to charity?  We are planning to buy a couple of chickens for a third world country and that seems like such a small gesture.

Today is the homeschool groups mom celebration, which means that all the moms are going to go out to eat, exchange presents and shop, so that will be fun.  Maybe this time I'll actually buy some gifts?  It could happen.  We're going to go to regular stores, not terribly expensive ones, so I hope I'll be able to find some things. 

My kids will stay home with their Dad and do their math.  They are so happy about that.  :-P  I need to print out their weekly lists, clean the kitchen up, get ready and go.  I hope the restaurant we are going to has a gluten free choice or two.  I'm so excited to get to go out and party with some of my very best friends.  They are another gift that homeschooling has given me.  :-)

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