Friday, December 17, 2010

Iced in.

We stayed in last night.  Our driveway was a solid sheet of ice, still, when it was time to go skating, so we didn't.  I'm tired of being in.  I have a chance to go shopping today with a wonderful friend, but I don't think I'm going to be able to.  It all hinges on me finishing work early and I am kind of afraid to go without getting my husband's opinion on the road situation so right now I'm waiting.  If I was still working at home, I'd be working, getting it done.  It's very frustrating not to be able to do that.  Waiting is not my best thing.

While snowed and iced in this week, we've made paper snowflakes and paper snowmen garlands, read, watched movies, did school, cooked, cleaned and played board games.  It's not like we are suffering, but we do like to get out occasionally.  (okay, daily!).  I did have a funny moment yesterday when I went out to assess the driveway ice situation and got to observe our dogs trying to cope with it.  Freckles' back legs tried to get in front of her front legs at one point and I laughed until I cried at her facial expression, which said "help!".  Oh how I wish I had had a camera in my hand.

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